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Regardless, Professor Flitwick continued his tenure as , along with the added responsibility as the Conductor of the. Davis played a white-moustached Flitwick in the first two films, and then a black-haired unnamed chorus conductor for the third instalment of the series.
Retrieved 15 January 2018. He was capable of effectively casting numerous charms and enchantments, ranging from conjuring simple decorations to the most.
- Harry first meets Quirrell at the , while being escorted by Hagrid to to shop for school supplies. During his first class, Slughorn offers a small amount of to the student who brews the best cauldron of the Draught of Living Death.
People often underestimate him, because he's really tiny we think he's part elf, but we've never been rude enough to ask and he's got a squeaky voice, but he's the best and most knowledgeable Charms master alive in the world today. His office door is always open to any Ravenclaw with a problem, and if you're in a real state he'll get out these delicious little cupcakes he keeps in a tin in his desk drawer and make them do a little dance for you. In fact, it's worth pretending you're in a real state just to see them jive. Description of Professor Flitwick Professor Filius Flitwick b. Some time after his graduation, Flitwick returned to Hogwarts and became the , as well as the. During the and , Flitwick opposed. In , he also opposed , the , and, in , fought at the , after which he attended the. He also protected the students from the in the 1997-1998 school year. On , he partook in the and defeated many Death Eaters. He survived the war, and likely continued to teach at to future generations of students. Biography Early life Dumbledore and Flitwick, those model students... A brief description of Flitwick's time at Hogwarts Filius Flitwick was born somewhere in the British Isles into with the distant descent of a , which accounted for his short stature. Prejudged and foredoomed from an early age because of his ancestral connection to a different breed of being that was both regarded and treated as second-class citizens by much of the wizarding community, by the time young Filius began attending , he was already used to being judged by strangers. Brave in the face of adversity, however, whilst Flitwick once admitted to having been subjected to scrutiny from those around him from the minute he set his foot inside the castle , the future professor carried his burden remarkably well: Wise beyond his years and rather thick-skinned, he eventually came to regard those who judged him as ignorant rather than malevolent, reasoning that most people simply want those around them to be simple so that they would be easier to understand, as opposed to simply acknowledge the fact that people are complex. In this, he indirectly proved himself to be correct: During his sorting ceremony, when the wavered between putting him in or before it ultimately chose the former, though, as the decision took less than five minutes, Flitwick was not a true. At some point, he asked the about the whereabouts of , which was rumoured to grant the wearer wisdom. However, she denied revealing the information. To his unknowing that she had already revealed it to a teenage in the 1940s and later went on to tell in 1998 during the. It was also mentioned that Flitwick, being a model student with nothing to hide, never entered or used the in the. It is likely that he achieved a high graded and in , as later in his life he went on to teach this subject for over thirty years. He also may have taken exams in , as he became a sometime after leaving the school. Duelling Champion Flitwick was a duelling champion when he was young... Career at Hogwarts pre 1971-1995 Early years Never forget Wizard Baruffio, who said 's' instead of 'f' and found himself on the floor with a buffalo on his chest. Professor Flitwick using rhymes to teach Flitwick at the Start-of-Term Feast next to Madam Hooch Now back at his old school, Professor Flitwick took up the post of. His classroom was , which was located in the , on the third floor of the. He does not hand out many detentions or deduct points often, even for tardiness. He also got along rather well with his colleagues, and came to learn that the circumstance of his sorting occurred to as well, which the two professors found amusing. This was because, had the Sorting Hat chosen Gryffindor for Filius and Ravenclaw for Minerva, they may have exchanged positions as Heads of House. Known for his rich sense of humour, Filius was always fair with his students, even those who are not in. Due to his heritage and the judgement he sometimes experienced because of it, Flitwick did not discriminate against those of different backgrounds and was inclined to allow people the benefit of the doubt. He also encouraged students to experiment with their own magic and did not generally give detentions for slack work; instead he preferred to give students homework so they could catch up. The only punishment he did give was lines, such as when accidentally knocked him off of his stack of books by letting go of his wand in the air. First Wizarding War and aftermath Quills down, please! That means you too, Stebbins! Please remain seated while I collect your parchment! Professor Flitwick overseeing the DADA O. Flitwick teaching a Charms lesson In 1971, Flitwick taught charms to: , , , , , and. He also taught many others during this time as well. In 1976, Flitwick administered the He walked between the hundreds of small desks in the during the exam and, once their time was up, ordered the students to put down their quills, but had to tell a pupil named twice before he put his down. Flitwick then used a to collect in the papers, but was knocked over onto the floor when the hundred scrolls of parchments zoomed into his outstretched arms. Flitwick would later go on to survive the. During the war, one of his most gifted and rebellious students, a young man by the name of , began searching for concealed at the school alleged by myths and rumours to be housing ancient treasure, and began breaking all sorts of school rules and endangering his fellow pupils to prove their existence, resulting in his. Prior to the departure from the school, however, various powerful curses was unleashed upon the school due to his meddling, and like all the rest of the teachers, he had to protect his charges from various dangers within the school, such as that had odd effects on those caught by it, terrorising the student body and a that made students wander unwittingly into the , and some even walked straight into their own demise doing so. The tragedies, however, did not end with Jacob's expulsion and the threat of the Cursed Vaults finally having come to an end. At the end of the war, his former students Lily and James Potter were murdered, while protecting their infant son. Despite these dark times or perhaps because of them Flitwick continued to teach at the school. During the , Professor Flitwick taught a of the aforementioned former pupil, who was met with a lot of whispers of their brother's misdemeanours and sudden disappearance shortly after he was sent away from Hogwarts. Accustomed to be judged by strangers, Professor Flitwick was sympathetic with their situation, and admittedly worried about how their peers would treat them. He even agreed to teach them the to teach them how to defend themselves against bullies, granted they agreed to only use it defensively. Protecting the Philosopher's Stone Professor Flitwick... Just before the start of the new school year, trusted him to contribute to the defences of the. Flitwick, being the , enchanted a considerable amount of to fly through the air. At the start of his first lesson of the school year, he took the register and, upon seeing Harry Potter's name on his register, squeaked excitedly and fell off of his stack of books. Also, Flitwick was very impressed when , his long-time friend and fellow colleague, told him that she was giving a to Harry after being chosen to play as the for the. Flitwick at a Quidditch Match Professor Flitwick also attended the first match of the season; vs. He sat high up in the stands near and. He looked extremely shocked and worried when Harry seemingly lost control of his broom, as well as when Snape's cloak caught fire, but applauded merrily when Harry regained control and caught the. Professor Flitwick did not allow his first year class to actually perform any magic until , and, after some coaching, he gave each of his pupils a feather which they were to levitate using the ; Wingardium Leviosa. The class had been anxious to try this since Flitwick used the charm on 's toad,. Hermione Granger, who was paired with , performed the spell perfectly and Professor Flitwick happily announced her success to the class. On Christmas Eve, Professors Flitwick and were in charge of decorating the. Flitwick used a charm, possibly , to create golden bubbles to adorn the Christmas trees' branches. He also used live fairies to decorate, which he was rather fond of doing. The hall was noted to look absolutely spectacular. He also attended the Feast on Christmas Day and pulled a cracker with. The exchanged his pointed wizard hat for a flowery bonnet and Flitwick read a joke to him, which made him chuckle merrily. Flitwick attending the feast in the Great Hall As the first year exams approached, Professor Flitwick set the first years homework to learn various spells and charms off by heart. When it finally was time for the tests, Flitwick called his students one-by-one into his classroom and asked them to make a pineapple tap-dance across his desk. He presumably also set theoretical papers, which were to be completed in a swelteringly hot classroom. Once the exams were over, visited Flitwick in the staffroom, saying that she was worried that she got a question wrong in the theory test. He, unable to help himself, told her in confidentiality that she had gotten one hundred and twelve percent. He also attended the during which Gryffindor won the House cup breaking Slytherin's seven year winning streak. Re-opening of the Chamber of Secrets The heir of Slytherin left another message. Right underneath the first one. Her skeleton will lie in the Chamber forever. During a Charms class, flew out of his hand and hit Flitwick squarely in between his eyes, leaving a great green boil there, which he presumably vanished. He also set a piece of homework for his second years to do, which involved using. One of the first lessons that Professor Flitwick taught during the first term was revising the. He also taught the second years the Charm, which Vanishes , and the. Enemies of the heir... Professor Flitwick was amongst the crowd of students and teachers who saw her there, hanging from one of the torches. Not long after, , , and Ghost , were also petrified. Professor Flitwick and the rest of the staff arrived at the scene shortly after the discovery and he, assisted by of the , took Justin to in the hospital wing for treatment. The professors moments after Ginny Weasley was kidnapped by the monster Near the end of the year, Professor Flitwick, along with the rest of the staff, were called to the staffroom by. McGonagall told them that had kidnapped a student and taken them to the. Flitwick immediately let out a squeal. McGonagall told them that the Heir of Slytherin had left another message right under the first, which read; Her skeleton will lie in the Chamber forever. Flitwick burst into tears at hearing the news. It had, in fact, been Ginny Weasley, one of Flitwick's students, and, when entered the room, the whole staff turned against him. While all the teachers told him his comments of knowing what was in the Chamber and so forth, Flitwick piped in and said that he had told that he was quite sure he knew what was inside it. The next day, Professor Flitwick was to send his home on the. However, had slain the monster, sealed the Chamber and saved Ginny, so Hogwarts remained open. Instead, Flitwick attended the and applauded happily when returned from , being incorrectly sent there on suspicion of the Chamber openings. Had the Chamber of Secrets not been opened during the year, Professor Flitwick would have had to administer the. However, at the , cancelled all examinations as a special school treat. Sirius Black's escape Ah, Miss Granger, would you be so kind as to bring both Mr Potter and Mr Weasley to the front with you? Today it is your turn to collect the Carpe Retractum spell book. Professor Flitwick teaching his class Professor Flitwick conducting the Prior to the beginning of the 1993—1994 school year, Sirius Black escaped from and were placed outside for the students' safety particularly Harry Potter's. Regardless, Professor Flitwick continued his tenure as , along with the added responsibility as the Conductor of the Hogwarts choir. During the , Flitwick led a reciting of. Flitwick meeting with McGonagall, Hagrid, Madam Rosmerta, and Cornelius Fudge in Hogsmeade Near Christmas, Professor Flitwick went to the with , , and. Together, they discussed James and Lily Potter's murders, as well as the escape of Sirius Black. It was said that the Potters used the , that was most likely cased by Dumbledore himself, to protect their home in. Flitwick then explained and described the operation of the spell and the position of. During the snowy season, Professor Flitwick taught his third years the charm. While explaining the spell's uses to the class, arrived late from a class with , having used a to go back in time. This happened again after the Easter holidays when Hermione overslept and missed the Charms class on Cheering Charms. Professor Flitwick standing with Dumbledore after inspecting the castle Soon after, Professor McGonagall confiscated a Firebolt broomstick that received as an anonymous Christmas present, and she handed it over to Professor Flitwick and , the. The two examined it to see if there were any malicious or unfriendly spells cast upon it, since they thought it possible that had sent it to him in the hope of killing him. Later on in the year, Sirius Black successfully broke into the castle and infiltrated the boys' dormitory in. As a defence mechanism, Professor Flitwick taught the oak front-doors to recognise a picture of Black so as to not grant him access. Also around this time, Flitwick set the Third Year Exams, which involved casting the. Nearer the end of the school year, Black was finally captured and locked inside on the seventh floor near the base of the. However, Black vanished that night and escaped from the castle. Triwizard Tournament Owing to the potential for nasty accidents when objects kept flying across the room. Professor Flitwick had given each student a stack of cushions on which to practise, the theory being that these wouldn't hurt anyone if they went off target. It was a good theory, but it wasn't working very well. Neville's aim was so poor that he kept accidentally sending much heavier things flying across the room — Professor Flitwick, for instance. Students practising the Flitwick during the welcoming feast after the arrival of the foreign students Professor Flitwick continued his career in 1994 at when the was being held. When the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic and Durmstrang Institute students arrive, he applauded them at their entrances, and, after that, both he and Dumbledore led a presentation of by the whole school. At the High Table, Hagrid accidentally stabbed his hand with a fork. He taught the to his fourth year students shortly before and assigned three books worth of reading before actually starting. It was this charm that used during the of the , which earned him first place. Professor Flitwick later taught his fourth year class the Banishing Charm. He started to ease off his lessons in the week before and the Yule Ball and instead spent his time talking about the that Harry had used in the First Task, being a proud. The which Flitwick attended During the Yule Ball, Professor Flitwick conducted the in playing waltzes. The choir played several waltzes over the course of the evening, giving students a chance to slow dance with their partners. Professor Flitwick, Professor McGonagall, and Filch at the Cedric Diggory's memorial service In the Third Task, Professor Flitwick, along with , , and disguised as , was appointed one of the marshals to patrol around the Maze. He wore a shining star on his wizard hat and had to respond to any of the champions cries for help the Spell. At the end of the task, was murdered, and was declared to have risen to power again, and thus the Second Wizarding War began. Flitwick attended the to Cedric Diggory at the end of the year. Second Wizarding War 1995-1998 Ministry interference at Hogwarts Umbridge just lurked in the corner making notes on a clipboard. You know what Flitwick's like, he treated her like a guest, didn't seem to bother him at all. The Weasley twins on 's inspection of Flitwick's Charms class The next year, Dolores Umbridge became the new. She quickly arose to become the , gaining the power to inspect the teaching standards of her fellow colleagues. During Umbridge's inspection of Professor Flitwick's , she sat in the corner of the classroom making notes on her clipboard while he taught his. He treated her like a guest and did not seem to be distracted by her at all, since she hardly spoke, though she did ask what the classes were like. Satisfied with what she had heard and seen, Umbridge left Flitwick to continue his lesson. Umbridge inspecting Flitwick When Umbridge inspected Professor Flitwick's class with the , she seemed impressed and pleased, but pulled out a tape measure and measured Flitwick's height. He did not seem happy at all and looked rather offended. Once Professor Umbridge had banned from the school after an interview of was printed, all the teachers were proud of him standing up to her. Later on in the year, Professor Umbridge became the new after left the school. On her first day in office, Fred and George Weasley released fireworks into and some sparklers managed to find themselves in , Flitwick's classroom. He, wanting to annoy Umbridge like the rest of the staff, ran for her help. Flitwick during the flight of Fred and George Weasley After Easter break, used one of their inventions, a , to change a corridor into a bog and then departed from school to go into the world of business. Professor Flitwick was seen cheering and supporting them at their departure after they ran rings around Umbridge and. Flitwick was asked to remove the swamp they created at the end of the year, which he did, but he claimed to be unable to remove a small patch under a window. He actually left it there as a tribute to what he saw as a demonstration of rather advanced magical capabilities. Protecting Hogwarts from Death Eaters Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince film Flitwick greeting Harry at Hogwarts' gate Professor Flitwick at the school gates with Harry Potter and In 1996, was put under the protection of a group of. Professor Flitwick, together with the caretaker, , was appointed to check off every student entering the school at the entrance gates on a register and take their belongings to be searched for any dark artefacts or weapons. With every student now in the grounds, Flitwick cast some sort of magical barrier spell most likely on the gates, preventing anyone from entering. When arrived at the castle gates with , he had to wait till could lift the barrier. One of the first classes he taught to his sixth year class was transforming vinegar into wine. He approached , , and during the lesson and asked them to perform the spell. Hermione cast it perfectly the first time, while Harry turned his to ice and Ron blew his up. Flitwick gave the two boys homework based on their performance, to practise for next lesson. Flitwick meets Horace on his way back to the , during a trip to Hogsmeade During one of the students' trips to , Professor Flitwick also visited the village, possibly for security reasons. It is not clear if this is true or not. He very well could have been leaving Hogsmeade because he knew Slughorn would want to reminise at the Three Broomsticks. Battle of the Astronomy Tower It was nearly midnight when Professor Flitwick came sprinting down into the dungeons. He was shouting about Death Eaters in the castle, I don't think he really registered that Luna and I were there at all, he just burst his way into Snape's office and we heard him saying that Snape had to go back with him and help and then we heard a loud thump and Snape came hurtling out of his room and he saw us and — and — he said Professor Flitwick had collapsed and that we should go and take care of him while he — while he went to help fight the Death Eaters. We went into his office to see if we could help Professor Flitwick and found him unconscious on the floor... When inside , Snape Stupefied him, and told and that he had collapsed and that they should tend to him till he regained consciousness. Flitwick, McGonagall, Hagrid, and students at the base of the tower after Dumbledore's death Shortly after knocking Flitwick out, Snape killed. Once recovering from his attack by Snape, Flitwick insisted on looking after the Ravenclaws. He also argued that Dumbledore should be buried in the grounds, which had never happened to any Headmaster or Mistress. Professor Flitwick, with the rest of the staff and students, later attended the of at the end of the year in the grounds near the Hogwarts Lake. Voldemort's infiltration of Hogwarts Prior to the start of the 1997—1998 school year, was made of Hogwarts while his fellow , , became the and respectively. Despite the school now in the grasp of , or perhaps because of it, Professor Flitwick returned to the castle to teach and protect the students. The Carrows were put in charge of all discipline and punishments, although Flitwick and the staff never sent students to them if they could avoid it, as the new professors' idea of punishment included such horrors as the. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Professor Flitwick duelling shortly before the Battle of Hogwarts Filius Flitwick casting to protect Hogwarts Near the end of the 1997—1998 school year, ordered Professor Flitwick to let her into. He did so, answering the riddle required to enter. When she failed to come out, told to make Flitwick open the door for him too, but she did it herself. That night, Flitwick, with Professors and , was awoken by Minerva McGonagall's cat patronous, and, still in their night-clothes, went to find out what she wanted. They found McGonagall duelling Snape to the death, and, after squeaking her name in shock, told Snape he would not commit any more murder in the. He proceeded to cast a spell which animated the that Snape was using to shield himself from McGonagall. Snape then ran into a classroom, chased by Flitwick, Sprout and McGonagall, and flew out of the window, escaping them. Duelling during the Battle of Hogwarts Aware that would soon attack the castle, Flitwick and the other Professors set to defend the school and the students. He pointed his wand out of the window and cast several intricate protective spells, including. Then, he was quizzed over the by , whom he was shocked to see, under the circumstances. He told Harry that the diadem was long since lost and that it wouldn't really help anyway, unaware that it was a. After a brief discussion of how to fight the , it was agreed that Flitwick, McGonagall and Sprout would take groups of over-age fighters up to , and the. Flitwick presumably took his group up to , since it was a good place to work spells and enchantments. Professor Flitwick was seen fighting close to the front doors in the , just before Voldemort ordered everyone to cease duelling and offered peace in return for Harry Potter. However, battle soon resumed after Harry was thought to be murdered by Voldemort. In the , was seen falling to the ground with a scream at Flitwick's hands, defeated and possibly killed. Sprout, Flitwick, and Slughorn after the battle in the Great Hall Flitwick also witnessed the duel between Harry and Voldemort in the Great Hall and after Voldemort's spell rebounded on him, Flitwick, Sprout, and McGonagall all reached to hug Harry at the same time while everyone else joined in. A celebration feast was later held, but no one sat in their proper places; teachers, parents and students were all jumbled up. It is likely that Professor Flitwick sat by the , since he was their. He was seen talking with Horace Slughorn and Pomona Sprout after the battle. Later life 1998-2017 It is likely that Professor Flitwick continued his long tenure as after the war, though he may have retired sometime before , being as old as he was. Physical description Professor Flitwick, the Charms teacher, was a tiny little wizard who had to stand on a pile of books to see over his desk. He had a shock of white hair in his elderly years and brown when he was younger. Also when he was young, he usually wore black clothes and suits as opposed to the green robes that he wore in his later years. Personality and traits Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone film Professor Flitwick congratulating Hermione Granger, one of his students Professor Flitwick carrying a pile of books Flitwick was an emotional fellow, who seemed to have a gentle spirit. During one , , while fumbling with attempts at casting a , ended up sending Flitwick sailing across the room; Flitwick accepted this resignedly instead of losing his temper. He was also shown to have a sense of mischief. He sarcastically remarked to Dolores Umbridge that, while he easily had the ability to remove Fred and George's rampaging fireworks, he wasn't sure if he had the authority. He also discretely cheered the Weasley Twins' escape from the school, and left a small patch of the twin's under the window, which Ron believed he had done as a monument to Fred and George. He also covertly sneaked Harry a box of so as to reward him for speaking out about Voldemort in the because he couldn't talk about it aloud, murmuring a little 'shush' to Harry afterwards. During the approach to the in 1994, Flitwick gave up trying to teach his students when he saw their minds were elsewhere, and allowed them to play games in class — something that many other teachers did not follow suit. Nevertheless, he commanded respect in spite of his sensitive nature and small stature. When he encountered and on the stairs discussing , Malfoy treated him just like any other teacher with no hint of the sarcasm he used with. Magical abilities and skills You may have heard that I was a Duelling Champion! Professor Flitwick drawing his wand on misbehaving studentsAs a former Duelling Champion and as the Hogwarts Professor of Charms, Flitwick was a powerful and formidable wizard. Testaments to his considerable magical skills were his proficiency in the subject he taught, and his later participation in and surviving the Battle of Hogwarts. During the preparations for the , he was the one who realistically pointed out that even the combined efforts of the entire Hogwarts staff was insufficient to keep Voldemort out indefinitely. He was capable of effectively casting numerous charms and enchantments, ranging from conjuring simple decorations to the most. He was also able to conjure a non-corporeal , which was a very advanced piece of magic as well as concrete evidence of superior magical ability. He participated professionally in a number of competitions and championships after his graduation from Hogwarts. Ultimately, he carved out a impressive reputation for himself as a Duelling Champion, earning himself a whole shelf full of trophies to boot. Though he had not duelled in some time, it was later shown that he had retained his considerable skill. Flitwick was able to help fellow Professors McGonagall and Sprout chase out of the castle and emerged and survived the legendary Battle of Hogwarts. During the battle, he had duelled the powerful to a draw and even single-handedly defeated the extremely skilled , whom had previously defeated and murdered. In , once every student was inside grounds, he cast a barrier on the school gate without saying the incantation. As non-verbal magic is very difficult, this testifies to him being a truly powerful wizard. He also led the orchestra during the. This is yet another testament to his formidable magical skills, given that wandless magic was seen to be a feat that only wizards of the highest level such as Dumbledore and Voldemort were able to successfully accomplish. Relationships Harry Potter Professor Flitwick... Flitwick meeting Harry for the first time Harry Potter, his student Professor Flitwick was kind to and had a good relationship with him. He was so excited to see Harry's name on his register that he fell off of his stack of books with a squeak. He allowed Harry and his friends to talk during classes, as well as play games sometimes. In he helped defend to give time for Harry to find , casting a on the school grounds. He was among the first ones to run and hug him after he defeated. Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley Oh, well done! Miss Granger's done it! Professor Flitwick announcing Hermione's accomplishment of the Ron and Hermione, his students Flitwick also had a good relationship with and. Hermione was a very good student and thus Flitwick liked her. Flitwick was thoroughly impressed when Hermione managed to successfully cast the , announcing her feat to the class. He was also friendly with , who was a friend of Hermione and Harry. Ron liked Flitwick's method of teaching, as he usually let them talk during his lessons. Flitwick fought alongside Ron and Hermione at the and they all survived the battle. Ravenclaw students Professor Flitwick was knocked out, but… he insisted on going off to look after the Ravenclaws. Description Luna Lovegood, one of his students Professor Flitwick was very caring and protective of the members of his House, , as he was. In , when invaded by use of a , Flitwick was knocked out, but left the in a hurry in order to look after the Ravenclaws, despite still being shaky from his attack. At the end of the year, after 's death, Flitwick, as well as , , , and had to decide whether the school should re-open the following year. He could not decide where his students would be safer, at Hogwarts or at their homes, and wanted to leave the decision to the , which Professor McGonagall was inclined to agree to. The school did indeed reopen for the , but McGonagall had been replaced as by. Because of this, Flitwick protected the Ravenclaws, as well as the other students, from the Carrows, as did McGonagall, Sprout and Slughorn. Once declared war on the Castle, Flitwick fought in the and survived, so he likely continued to teach and care for the next generation of Ravenclaws. Hogwarts professors Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Professors Flitwick, , and in Some of his colleagues Flitwick seemed to have a good relationship with most of his colleagues at. Some of them were and. All three were at Hogwarts, while. Prior to the , McGonagall and Flitwick, watched by Sprout and , duelled Professor Snape, who had taken hold of the school, ultimately forcing him to flee. Both Sprout and Flitwick exhibited yells of shock at when he unexpectedly arrived at the school, and Sprout and McGonagall fought alongside Flitwick in the and survived the. After the duel between and , the three of them hurried to Harry to congratulate him and celebrate. After Severus Snape murdered Dumbledore, he and his fellow professors turned on him. He protected Minerva McGonagall from Snape when both of them were duelling, and warned him that he wouldn't commit another murder in Hogwarts. It is likely that he learnt Snape's true loyalty after the Second Wizarding War, and the true reason he murdered Dumbledore, not to mention that he was protecting the students all along, albeit discreetly. Following this, it is assumed that he forgave Snape and even admired his courage. Flitwick may have also been friendly with, or at least unusually persuasive to, , the school matron, as the strict nurse very rarely let people out of the until they made a full recovery, but she let Flitwick out after he was hit by a stunner by , despite still being shaky. This may, however, just be because he was the and a. However, the latter seemed to try to avoid him during a trip to after he invited him to the. Professor Flitwick, like all the other professors at the school, disliked the of the ;. Despite Lockhart being a former , and one of his old students, Flitwick did not have a very good relationship with him, as Gilderoy was always an attention-seeking, vanity-rich troublemaker who never took his studies seriously. On , Lockhart suggested to the students that they ask Professor Snape to brew them and said that Flitwick knew more about than anyone he knew. Flitwick responded by burying his face in his hands, while Snape looked like he would force-feed poison to the first person to ask him for a love potion. When Lockhart walked into the staff meeting regarding alleged demise in a rather oblivious and cheerful manner, Flitwick was among the staff to look at him with remarkable hatred, and also did not hesitate to send him to the as a means to scare him away. During the , , the , was made. When Umbridge inspected Professor Flitwick's , he treated her like a guest and was very polite. But when she inspected his rehearsal with the , Umbridge measured his height, which he found insulting. When she became of the school, Flitwick, along with the rest of the staff and the students, was against her. The twins also released a into another one of the corridors, and, once Umbridge had been suspended, Flitwick vanished it in a second, but left a small patch since he considered it to be a good piece of magic. To flit is to move quickly from location to another. A wick is a loosely woven strand of fabric or fibres, often used in a candle or oil lamp. He also provided the character's voice in. Therefore, Davis is one of the 14 actors to appear in all. In the film, though, Umbridge is seen measuring his height. Alfonso really wanted to put his mark on the films. And then a lot of things altered: anything from character looks, to the actual layout of Hogwarts itself. And another thing was happening at the same time. How do you fancy coming in and doing a kind of cameo in the film as somebody else? I'm always thrilled to be part of all of this, anyway. And so, we went with that. Flitwick as depicted in the first two film adaptations and the first three video games Flitwick's appearance in the film adaptations is sporadic. His only major scene in the of is during the lesson where he teaches the spell. Despite Warwick's appearance as a conductor in the film of Prisoner of Azkaban, in the of Flitwick appears as a teacher, and his physical appearance is as it was for the first two films and first two video games. This same character reappeared in the of although now identified as Professor Flitwick. Younger appearing Flitwick from the fourth film and fifth video game onwards According to interviews, director liked the look of a younger Flitwick. In the of , he is seen in a Chorus Class in the. He is seen again cheering when depart Hogwarts. In the of Order of the Phoenix, Filius Flitwick is seen with his new look in his class. Filius, with his post- Chamber look, is finally confirmed on-screen in the of. He also displays a far more prickly demeanour than in Philosopher's Stone. Flitwick's physical appearance in the first two films is credited as the teacher and his physical appearance in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince merchandise The Annual 2009 Poster Sticker Book also uses the elder Flitwick, although the packaging of the LEGO figure uses the younger Flitwick. Also, who plays Flitwick believes himself that the two characters Conductor and Teacher are different people but perhaps related. Flitwick slightly turns back to his previous appearance during the Snape's memories scene, in which he is seen clapping in the. Popular in-universe explanations for the change in appearance are that he decided to get a makeover, or that he was involved in a magical accident resulting in his change in appearance. However, without any on-screen or in-print confirmation, the discrepancy remains a mystery and it has caused confusion amongst viewers and a rather large inconsistency. It has also been noticed that Flitwick's role as from the fourth film, has been used for comic relief, due to his snappy personality and unexpected, comical behaviour e. Succeeded by: Unknown Preceded by: Unknown, eventually c. Succeeded by: Unknown Preceded by: Unknown 1993 -? Succeeded by: Unknown · · · · · Filius Flitwick · · · · Filius Flitwick Filius Flitwick 16th century 2021 Charmbook writers and developers · · · · · · · · · · · · · Filius Flitwick Textbooks · · Charms studied at Hogwarts · Depulso · Avis · · Colovaria · Engorgio · Incendio · Glacius · Petrificus Totalus · Finite Incantatem · · Flipendo · Wingardium Leviosa · Locomotor · Reparo · Reducto · Carpe Retractum · Reducio · Silencio · Skurge · Spongify · Accio · Alohomora · · Nox · Lumos · Aguamenti Founder: : possibly defected : : Filius Flitwick : 's control.
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Without a doubt, Filius is likely to return in the final two films, meaning that in some way or another, he has appeared in every Potter film. A former Auror, he gained his nickname for the magical eye he wears to replace one he civil in the line of duty. He hates all students and he is bitter about not possessing magical abilities. When Umbridge inspected Professor Flitwick'she treated her like a guest and was very polite. filius flitwick actor Despite the fact that she can often be heard to caution Lee Si's biased remarks while commentating on Hogwart's Quidditch matches, it is often indirectly revealed that McGonagall herself is an avid Quidditch fan, resulting in a few occasions of her dropping her usual demeanour. Professor Flitwick standing with Dumbledore after inspecting the castle Soon after, Professor McGonagall confiscated a Firebolt broomstick that glad as an anonymous Christmas present, and she handed it over to Professor Flitwick andthe. Also, Flitwick was very impressed whenhis long-time friend and fellow colleague, told him that she was giving a to Harry after being chosen to play as the for the. Triwizard Prime Owing to the potential for nasty accidents when objects kept flying across the room. He is later seen overseeing the evacuation of younger students. Despite Lockhart being a formerand one of his old students, Flitwick did not have a very good relationship with him, as Gilderoy was always an el-seeking, vanity-rich troublemaker who never took his studies seriously.
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Some guys are a little smarter, they try to be funny by using pickup lines. Figure Out What Approach Works Best For You To get the best results on Tinder, you can either to handle all your messaging for you, or you can keep track of the response rate for each message you send. You can make a comment about their unusual name, their nationality, their university, just not what they look like.
Similar to the previous one, some will try to prove you that they are still good girls. Not much else to say about this one. So for Julia I opted to appeal to her status as a biology graduate, as well as reference her red dress that she was wearing in her main photo. The alternative: Being asked how you are by a random stranger is the most boring thing in the world.
Best Tinder Openers: 25 Tinder Openers That Make Us Say Yes - Although advertisements on the web pages may degrade your experience, our business certainly depends on them and we can only keep providing you high-quality research based articles as long as we can display ads on our pages.
Dear Valued Visitor, We have noticed that you are using an ad blocker software. Although advertisements on the web pages may degrade your experience, our business certainly depends on them and we can only keep providing you high-quality research based articles as long as we can display ads on our pages. To view this article, you can disable your ad blocker and refresh this page or simply. We only allow registered users to use ad blockers. You can or you can if you are already a member. Anyone who used Tinder knows that one of the biggest challenges is starting a conversation once you get a Match. This part is the trickiest since you need to say something that will ensure you a response and begin the conversation. Competition on Tinder is huge, so your conversation starter has to be creative and unique. Unless you are extremely hot of course. If you are a guy and you are still having trouble getting matches, maybe there is a problem with your bio. We began our 10 best Tinder conversation starters that work every time search with checking out some general tips for starting a conversation. Using this knowledge, we went on conversation starters hunt, checking out the suggestions from , , , and among others. We picked the ones with the most recommendations. Although these are mostly used by men, a couple of them are sure to work if you are a girl and wanting to start a conversation. Like you girls need anything else aside from a photo! Enough kidding around, this is a serious topic, for all those lonely souls out there who are looking for a perfect match. Open your Tinder matches, and start with those conversations.
TINDER OPENERS THAT WORK: 3 Samples To Get The Girls!
How to create your own S. Another benefit is that she will be north to take your call afterward so that you can make a deeper connection and set up a date. Make a real attempt to get a real conversation started right off the bat. Our site receives compensation from many of the offers listed on the site. And there is a political uprising in my pants. Some people know how to start a Tinder conversation smoothly every time and set themselves up for consistent success. Puppy enthusiast and frozen yogurt connoisseur. Now, Tinder has certainly had its ups and downs in the last couple of years and met a lot of flak for being a hook-up app and even a breeding-ground for sexual harassment. Pay attention to the oddities in her profile.
You can see changes on the LCD screen. Pros AGPtek training collar showed its effectiveness in 99% cases of usage so it is easy to understand why it is so popular among owners of dogs of all breeds and sizes. The shock collar is one punishment method for training stubborn or excitable dogs.
After hearing a beep from the collar, press the LAUNCH button on the Remote. This gives him time to correct his behavior on his own. Any USB charger can be used with cable to recharge your remote dog training collar. Then lift the reset part of cover in the Collar Receiver.
Blog - Use a paper click to insert the Reset HOLE inside into the Dog Training Collar Receiver.
If you have a dog that refuses to learn to behave appropriately from barking and biting to running away, chasing people or any other type of behavior and you want a safe and effective method, then AGPtek training shock collar is the perfect solution for you. With the help of a remote, you can choose from 100 levels of shock or vibration to correct him whenever he is misbehaving. The device is extremely simple to handle — you can emit the correction order by simply pressing a button — and it also has a beep mode, which is extremely… 8 With the help of a remote, you can choose from 100 levels of shock or vibration to correct him whenever he is misbehaving. The device is extremely simple to handle — you can emit the correction order by simply pressing a button — and it also has a beep mode, which is extremely helpful to give your dog a warning before punishing him. This gives him time to correct his behavior on his own. Pros AGPtek training collar showed its effectiveness in 99% cases of usage so it is easy to understand why it is so popular among owners of dogs of all breeds and sizes. The adjustable collar gives you the possibility to make it just loose enough to not produce any physical damage and tight enough to have direct contact with the skin. And probably the greatest advantage is that it has three methods of correction beep, vibration and shock in a single device, allowing you to choose the one most appropriate for your dog. Cons When used correctly by following all the instructions from the manual, AGPtek training shock collar was not proven to have any physical or psychological side effects. You need to check the device often enough to make sure that there is no malfunctioning.
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One test light to check your shock levels and replacement probes. It agptek dog shock collar manual 100 level of shocks and has 100 vibrations to train your dog. Some dogs, however, are stubborn or too excitable and require punishment to learn that a behavior is undesirable. The file impulse is very strong in order to go through a dog's hair 6mm thick. With the help of a remote, you can choose from 100 levels of shock or vibration to correct him whenever he is misbehaving. For example, A000180601B, the manufacturing date is 80601, which jesus it is produced on Jun. Most collars have an option to emit a beep before shocking, so the dog can associate the beep with the shock. There are two different lengths of shock probes in this shock collar. Spend less time training and more time playing with your dog. The u collar gives you the possibility to make it just loose enough to not produce any physical damage and tight enough to have direct contact with the skin. Please check the version number before updating with this firmware!.
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